Yesterday, I was finally vaccinated. So the passage of these hours has been to assimilate the virus back into my system.
Time and the body have a connection, and as I saw in a movie also released yesterday, entropy can be reversed, and there are things that go forward, and things that go backward. Like today.
The present is there to let go of my past, which was a lesson, an experience, happiness, some memories.
Like I love that pumpkins song that says today is the greatest day. And I know it and hum it for many decades, already. The water of our bodies is the flesh of the oceans.
Today too, justly is the day of no time, according to the Mayans. I walk then on the tide, into 100 feet waves, seeing the reverse of time. To let go and trust, because I am thanks to all the steps of my seasons and the wrong lines of my history. Winter into spring. The present holds me until the day I am no more. No time for the 25th.