
baby it's no time

Yesterday, I was finally vaccinated. So the passage of these hours has been to assimilate the virus back into my system.

Time and the body have a connection, and as I saw in a movie also released yesterday, entropy can be reversed, and there are things that go forward, and things that go backward. Like today.

The present is there to let go of my past, which was a lesson, an experience, happiness, some memories.

Like I love that pumpkins song that says today is the greatest day. And I know it and hum it for many decades, already. The water of our bodies is the flesh of the oceans.

Today too, justly is the day of no time, according to the Mayans. I walk then on the tide, into 100 feet waves, seeing the reverse of time. To let go and trust, because I am thanks to all the steps of my seasons and the wrong lines of my history.  Winter into spring. The present holds me until the day I am no more. No time for the 25th.


Once in a lifetime

I suspect that there is a very strong link between randomness and reality, there is even a beautiful book by that name, and this is often difficult for sapiens sapiens to accept. This flow of steps between chance and reality brings up a crucial point about us. Humanity has limitations. This leads to the fact that the lack of control of so many variables, teaches us our small place on Earth, the Milky Way, the Universe. A stroke to the ego. 

Just now I saw an animated movie on TV, Home (Dreamworks, 2015), about a species called Boov who come to the planet, relocate us, and they inhabit what we leave empty. In this movie, there are beings whose job is to choose what is useful and what is useless. What they define as useless for their species are things like bicycles or toilets. So, what I'm getting at, is that randomness in my lunch showed me an attractive idea about what other interdimensional beings would see useful. 

This also reminds me of a meme about UFOs being manned by billionaires from other planets. Oh, Bezos and Branson, you pieces of shitheads, where have you sunk the specialness of being astronauts; we'll never get back from the ridiculous point you plotted.

Anyway, randomness explores various parallel and canceling paths in a spiral of unchecked cycles. We would call it free will. I think there is quite a lot of power in understanding the limitations of our lives and minds. And, furthermore, the core of our species subject to history must involve having low expectations and a lot of flexibility.

Will that be the root of calm, the engine of contentment? I hope so.

I love the scene where Oh meets Van Gogh's Starry Night in a flying cab. It came up after listening to Robert Palmer's Every Kinda People and then I read an article about Obama took a tour of Dreamworks when they were recording voices for this movie and fraternized with the actors. 

I love triple the steps of randomness.


Wherever you will plead

There are certain thoughts about the bonds of friendship, many point out that more friends make a person happier and with greater well-being. I agree. But, and here's the twist, it's also common for these ties to be extensive and perennial for economic reasons. So, in this day and age, networks of close friends materialize a safety net to create bubble relationships. 

If you are wealthy, or perhaps your family, you probably had plenty of occasions in school or extracurricular activities to meet new people. Moreover, these people had the same privileges as your relatives, it's like an invisible brotherhood of peers, who study, work, travel, and do business only among themselves. Naturally, there are exceptions. Most commonly, yet, your bulky wallet ensures a solid circle of good friends, even from a tender age. 

Conversely, when you have no money or are struggling financially, you have neither the time nor resources to socialize or create new bonds. Also, If you had a precarious childhood, the friends you knew may have drifted away or you may not know about them, due to the twists and turns of living without financial stability. 

Of course, nuances including family traditions, and interactions originating in the middle class account for the complex nature of friendship. However, let me be reductionist, what I am trying to emphasize is the possible connection between continuing to have close friends and the financial security that your family provided you. And perhaps, the reasons you continue to be financially comfortable is your friends and the relationships you have cultivated over the years. 

So, if you're a loner, that may be a trigger for you to get stuck with money. 

Who knows, it's just a random thought, never an unavoidable fact.


Slipping universe

I notice the memories in a mystic river full of posessions. In that place of time, some smells bring love to live, 'cause I have to somehow believe that the worst outcome simply won't happen. Particularly between the scoop of my naked breathes over the dawn. Day by day, the young eyes of the nineties over the dust, made a Romance the positive approach to stay here. This means that the stakes are scalating towards the knowledge of automatic smile before I leave.

I want to tell you the heartfelt fable of my elevation in a very interesting space to live in, a mixture of attempts while I know for a fact that the worst outcome is happening, all the time. Are you curious enough to see the rabbit in the pie? We must be able, any of us, to open that gate. The gaze and joy I can attest flow within, right now. And right after.



Can't I, (can't I)

Could I, (could I)

Breakdown over subtle regards, I'm thinking of the story of Nabokov arriving at NY customs. Stateless guy, keen and bold, over the years he will teach at Wellesley and Cornell. Back then, the fate had pointed his bald head and permeate the glowing atoms that will make "Lectures on literature" a timeless book.

His journey without home explores the verbs of his marvelous books, a direct signal of the movement's talent. As now on the asfalt I see green to red and hum an eighties song about Luca: "not more, my name won't be on the door, living on the second floor."

eccentric russian genius, rules everyone's blank page!


Thinking about U

In the presence of my solitude I can argue, how was the coup of my beliefs. With so many moments like this, I had the truth without you. So far the place I know, time as it goes lost, funny to say should we dance or cry?

no one misses me, swallowed to the bone, looking at myself, my heart tells for the last time about hope and oceans. The mercy of the dark side of my toes.

time refuses to leave, hope incomplete for my sounds. Two worlds collide and sat quite still. Shine, don't get it? keep gentle, in the pursuit of pleasure we remember the broken arrow of  things as they are.

close, close, spare the rod. it's been a long time since i've seen butterflies and tomb eyes.

we should drove until far too drunk to see the light tripped into ditches, then again spoil our inner childs to vanish into our hearts.