
Libre para ser humano

Y un peculiar maestro, me dijo que me limito, porque deseo, pero no deseo lo suficiente.  ¿Por qué no lo deseas todo?, apuntó. 

Estas limitado si solo deseas ciertas cosas, ciertas personas, aquí yo pensé en algunas pieles, en algunas esperanzas, en algunas ideas. Cuando descubras que soy todo y soy nada, podrás conectar el deseo, mis deseos, a la vida, finalizó.

Y hoy entiendo esta sencilla libertad prometida: soy importante para mí mismo, y soy insignificante para otros y otras. 

Buen venturoso año 24 de este siglo.



Un viernes más que se cierra, te extraño mamá, bella María Ofelia.
tras una suave ducha nocturna, sigo creyendo en este intento vital que te conté: 
coincidir la justicia con la imaginación.
la justicia junto a la imaginación
como el designio dado a la paloma enviada a tierra fuera del arca al acabar la peor tormenta.


What is my own weakness?

Trust, and cry when they touch that vulnerable area of pain, for the duels that are scars of eternal losses. I miss my dead, many, and even today I told a friend, that the best I can do is to listen to the pre-summer birds and connect with December.

The yellow flowers that fall in December, carpet your steps as you walk through the city, those flowers are so connected to memories, and even have an old song from Floricienta, that I sang as a young while editing on a TV show.

today I am still sick, and sometimes I think that I may get worse soon, or maybe I will heal too. the pain of the soul and the heart and the mind, should not fall into suffering, because pain is reality, the other is to worsen the situation and it is optional to suffer, to leave because of stubbornness or not wanting to accept. Anyway, I think I've learned.

And the birds keep on chirping, and I remain as a faithful legacy of the memory of my beautiful not present.


whispers softly

There is, and I was part, of a gamification but of the desire and attraction that is developed and amplified by these dating apps. Straight or bi women connect with a cruel and shitty side, they do what they do and say what they say, because of the offer, and many men say yes to them or give them likes. All for all in a party of tomorrow.
It is not advisable to be part of these apps in a process where you do not find yourself strong enough to withstand rejection. it is important to understand that you enter to train and be part of this game, and acquire strength from the rudeness, charisma from the blow, and philosophy of the knife. 


Ability babe

How do I free myself from these chains and yokes of unrequited love? Of not letting go of women who did not love me. The yoke of non-love heat. Instead, I do things to develop and reach my potential, my fullness. There is this parable in the gospels of the talents, the 3 servants, and the coins. So yes, my desire is to multiply the coins that have been granted to me, to abound on my end.



The clear path leaves me very lost, it would be best to sleep in my arms, or you dream of sleeping next to mine, warm, in love to the core.