No hay una respuesta al siempre, pero sí existe una palabra para aprender de estas materias: lo mejor para ti.
Beauty by my side
Peace be with me
Peace between you and me,
in the making of forgiving you, but not forgetting.
out of respect for me.
maybe then there will be respect for you, as you told me.
Hope Planets
The power of silence is something to deal with sadness, to be quiet so as not to tell the sadness that fills you. And a curious thing is that sadness is stored in the lungs. So the strength of silence leads to weakness and collapse of the lungs.
Coughing. Mucus.
These are the symbols that signal what we are silent about. I was never more aware of how far I was from my dream than when I was standing next to her.
Outcomes cannot be controlled, so what you are aiming for is somewhat paradoxical. Maybe with effort and persistence, they will materialize. And maybe not. The great judges have a plan, even if it is hard to understand.
But what does work is the value of your pillars, because they are what really moves and maintains. Pillars have a reason, they are in you to make you better and keep you going through the storms.
A family to take care of, among all ambitions, is the strongest.
I looked at that reflection, which returned a very strange image of me that I didn't remember, and I asked him questions, thinking if it would help me find a meaning in the middle of the warm night of the soul. Superstitions, flowers. He told me to ask about white roses arriving in the daytime; there I could tell better how fresh the arrivals were. I did not understand him, and he told me, very simply, it is only one way that everyone travels: exile and communication. What is your way?
And I kept thinking in a badly drawn circle that got lost. I only felt then that the mirror's answer; maybe it had to do with saying more about what I feel. even if that was not to the liking of many. I keep thinking about those answers.
I listened to her for a while longer, giving her what little empathy I could have for practice. and wished her good night.
What I thought was harder, but I don't intend to tell her. There is no need for so much cruelty, but this thought of justice that she has is a compensation for not dealing with the dismal of not having loved him so much in the last times of his life, maybe even of feeling overwhelmed to take care of the physical discomfort that illness and old age produce for so many months. Who can blame her? It's complicated, I know. But I also understand that there is an internal process for some in the matter of forgiving, letting go, and learning. I had a connection with what I experienced some years ago with my dad too, but I didn't seek revenge. Maybe because deep down I felt that he was liberated. He was always strong, and now he was strong in the immensity of the cosmos. As light and strength, he could travel to the pillars of creation.
What do I know? It is complex to lose the one who loved and cared for you. It is hard to grow up, and what is harder is to see those who were by your side die. Life is never the same again, and that is the purpose. You learn to see without certain colors and sounds the new life as you take your turn. qepd mr. Long live and prosper.
dust morte
I'll tell you what happened to me: I swam a lot, two hours, four kilometers, with strength and without stopping. It was a relief. When I was about to finish my last km, something ugly happened to me. I already felt the fatigue, but I ignored it, and I paid for it. In the middle of the pool, I got a very intense cramp. on both legs, foot and calves, with a whiplash.
I stayed there, and I had to ask the lifeguard for help. But I remembered two things: I know how to dive, and I know how to swim.
lo perdido
la velocidad del amor
hoy, ¿te vi?
creo que sí, pero estabas de espalda, me sobrepasaste con tu hija cargada sobre hombros, y la peque me miró. y creo que en la hondura de sus ojos me dijo que podías ser tú.
muda tersa de electrones
in the immensity of your beautiful eyes,
and the hope that brings the rarest rose.
Your love blooms until I float singing.
Yellow feline god, maybe you are a witness,
she and I, we love one another in a place from which,
no matter how far we reach out, we'll always think of each other.
Living on and on, in magic and distance.
soviet dancer
magicians by nature, your gift is to create. in a world of astral white magic. of all, the roughest and the sweetest.
Hay tantos recuerdos, hay tantas promesas entre los que caminamos en estos pasillos a la espera de abordar. El tiempo está a mi favor, vine temprano y puedo sentarme a escribir y saludar. Y con los sueños y la vida cerquita al cielo, uno reflexiona sobre el camino del amor, ese camino que lleva a que uno se vuelva loco de amor y haga locuras cargadas de mucha estupidez, ciega emoción, nulo tino, extensos textos y harta vulnerabilidad. Luego solo queda cargar con la culpa y la vergüenza, al ver las crueles consecuencias cuando te arriesgas y pierdes, porque era la persona equivocada ya que su locura es de otra, no por ti.
Deseo que estés feliz y en paz
Deseo que estés acompañada y segura
Deseo que tengas tu vida con amor.