

I'll tell you what happened to me: I swam a lot, two hours, four kilometers, with strength and without stopping. It was a relief. When I was about to finish my last km, something ugly happened to me. I already felt the fatigue, but I ignored it, and I paid for it. In the middle of the pool, I got a very intense cramp. on both legs, foot and calves, with a whiplash. 

I stayed there, and I had to ask the lifeguard for help. But I remembered two things: I know how to dive, and I know how to swim.

Then, I accepted that I was going to sink because of my paralyzed legs, and I took a deep breath and sank as if diving. and down there, I waited a couple of minutes in the silence and calm blue until I could regain some strength in my legs, and I surfaced towards the buoys line and approached in breaststroke to the starting edge. and there I waited for that muscle whiplash to pass me.

I tell you GF, because I think it was a lesson. Maybe it comes from my mom. Life is like that, like today and before. It will cramp me, paralyze me, and make me sink. But thanks to you, I have skills (like knowing how to dive or swim), and I must be calm, because in tranquility, I will survive and come out eventually. like I did today.

Tonight I am sad, very sad; there is also anger and even shame. but it is part of the process. Right now, I have the pain in my legs because it is one of those cramps that leave you feeling for several hours. but I have been able to finish swimming, walking, bathing, wrapping up, etc., so the pain is part of the game. We knew what could happen for her. and it happened.

GF: Aquí, noto que surge mucha admiración hacia tu fortaleza y estoy muy orgullosa como navegas en estos mares. Gracias por eso.

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