
Incinerate merman

When everything goes together with the precious look of your beautiful eyes when you smile, who cares about the kingdom of lights. 

Water that flows and appears astonishing next to waves of questions, humble before the presence of time and the execution of destiny.

it is unbelievable, I am unbelievable. I have the creation of fables.

if the shadows are drawn on digital screens, which we can see updated in a contrast of tiny eternity that lasts only a few minutes, maybe seconds. As a witness that what remains of someone you love, is an indirect reflection of their publications, of their following. No one but me is waiting for the soul, for the beginning of the Thursday of Roman candles.

in mercury retrograde

a prosecutor and a journalist got married on April 30, and on Tuesday, May 12, organized crime killed him on Colombia's Baru beach. From what I could read, the wife, now a widow and carrying her first pregnancy, loved him very much. and surely, he loved her.

In this harsh scene of the tragedy, death is handcrafted by the interests of human wickedness. We are automatic beings who rule under abjection, who decide with the selfishness of revenge, who act at the end of death with the fear of being unpunished, a who in surprise take a life with gunshots on the last beautiful morning of honeymoon in Baru, Colombia.

The time of life is complex. The time of being nothing lasts forever. 

To surrender everything, heart and spirit, before the execution of a destiny that mutates from water to ether, in the shot that spills blood on the sand. We cannot escape the grim reaper, and I am saddened by the closing of that love story, it seemed so sweet and powerful, sweethearts since December 21, known for some time before.  

seven seals, seven stars. sun and night in the creation of tragedies and hard trials. a match into my brain.